Знакът на „Буларт” тази година ще принадлежи на Биляна Рубинова заради смелите й и провокативни дебютни проекти,ще го носи и Фред Л`Епее от Швейцария, заради деликатните метафизични послания във филмите си.
* Знакът на Буларт преминава от ръцете на Самуил Стоянов към Биляна Рубинова. Знакът на Фред Л`Епее ще лети за Швейцария от Италия, изпратен от Александра Арно, предишния носител на отличието.
Биляна Рубинова провокира вниманието ни с проекта си “Masterpiecelessness” /„Безшедьовърността” като липса на честно изкуство, подменено с материалистичен ексхибиционизъм, щедро оправдан чрез излагането му в съврененните пространства"/, представен на contempo 2012,
а Фред Л`Епее - с филма си "Остров", част от програмата на миналогодишното издание на "Видеохолика". /"Дистанцията, като вечна геометрия, която контролира нашия начин на живот и възприемане.В отговор, ние създаваме движение. Чрез това движение, ние използваме паметта в нашата система от възприятия в целта си да си представим нашата свобода, нашите социални борби, нашето изгнание.Ние принадлежим към този път. И го използваме като крайна форма на съществуване. Идеалът е определен.Вълните винаги се появяват в нас ...", из концепцията на филма "Остров"/
Двамата артисти участваха в годишнта изложба на Буларт "Екология на паметта/ случаен проект", с която галeрията влезе в своята 17-та годишнина.
Всяка година по традиция от създаването си през 1996 г галерия Буларт галерия изразява своята съпричастност към творчеството на даден художник, поверявайки му знакът на галерията. Малката сребърна значка- и бижу и лого използва глаголическият символ на Твореца. Триъгълник с кръг на върха, композирани в квадрат, като символ на единството (триъгълника), хармонията (кръга) и устойчивостта (квадрата), краткотрайността на материята и силата и вечността на духа. Отличителният знак на Буларт е преходен . Носителят на отличието от предишната година го предава на настоящия носител, който следващата година ще има задължението да предаде „щафетата” на следващия творец. Знакът на Буларт има нематериално изражение и е предимно духовен и емоционален акт на признание и съпричастност.
-=-=-=-english version -=-=-=
Bulart's gallery annual awards 2012
The sign of Bulart for 2012 will belong whole year to Biliana Rubinova (1982, Varna).It is because her brave and provocative debut projects.The other artist who won the prize is filmmaker Fred L'Epee (1976 Switzerland) because his delicate metaphysical approach ,used as a tool for his research into collective memory.
The sign of Bulart for 2012 will belong whole year to Biliana Rubinova (1982, Varna).It is because her brave and provocative debut projects.The other artist who won the prize is filmmaker Fred L'Epee (1976 Switzerland) because his delicate metaphysical approach ,used as a tool for his research into collective memory.
* Bulart sign is going to Biliana Rubinova by the hands of Samuil Stoyanov, the former winner. The other Bulart sign will fly from Italy , from Alessandra Arno`s studio to Switzerland at the address of Fred L`Epee.
Biliana Rubinova ( 1982 Varna) provokes our attention with his project "Masterpiecelessness" / "it as a lack of honest art replaced the materialistic exhibitionism,generous justified by its displaying in modern spaces "/ presented to contempo at 2012,the festival for young artists held in Varna (organizing by Raya Georgieva Foundation since 2009)
She lives and works in Varna, BG. Her education details : BA Fine Art Kingston University, London 2005. her participated in several collective exhibitions and curatorial projects as : "Ecology of memory", Bulart gallery, Varna; "Zoom in",curated by Krassimir Rusev,V.Tarnovo; gallery "Hadjunikoli", Plovdiv, gallery Resonance, contempo 2012- festival for young artists,Varna, 10th Annual Exhibition “Unsecured Zone”, curated by Stalker sudio, Graffit Gallery, Varna, BG (2012); 7th World Festival of Animated Film, Varna, Bulgaria (2011); Group Exhibition of Faculty of Fine Art, degree show, Stanley Picker Gallery, London (2005); Group Exhibition of Art, Design and Architecture Stanley Picker Gallery, London (2004); Group Exhibition Ministry of Education, Sofia, Bulgaria (2000).
Fred L`Epee (1976 Switzerland) is a emergent artist within the international film avant-garde. The modality of its work is based beyond the cinematic form in order to resuscitate an altered perception of the visual expression. Fred L`Epee has finished Visual Art School, MFA in Lausanne,Switzerland. he has participaation in international film festivals and curatorial projects in greece, Bulgaria, Switzerland, UK, USA, Austria, Germany, France etc. He won an international awards about his production.
The Bulart attention was foccused by his film "Island", during last edition of Videoholica festival,held in Varna. Here is Fred`s concept of his work: "Distance is a perpetual geometry which controlling our way of life and perception of our cogitation. In response, we create the movement. Through this movement, we use the memory into our psycho- affective system in the purpose to imagine our freedom, our cries, our drifts, our social struggles, our exile.
The Bulart attention was foccused by his film "Island", during last edition of Videoholica festival,held in Varna. Here is Fred`s concept of his work: "Distance is a perpetual geometry which controlling our way of life and perception of our cogitation. In response, we create the movement. Through this movement, we use the memory into our psycho- affective system in the purpose to imagine our freedom, our cries, our drifts, our social struggles, our exile.
In exile, all we are. We belong to this path. And we use it as an ultimate form of being. The Ideal is definitely established.The waves always emerges in us…"
Biliana Rubinova and Fred L`Epee have participated in curatorial project "Ecology of memory", annual exhibition of Bulart gallery, where they have presented new works.
Biliana Rubinova and Fred L`Epee have participated in curatorial project "Ecology of memory", annual exhibition of Bulart gallery, where they have presented new works.
Bulart gallery annual award is a little silver badge/ insignia - both as a jewel and as a logo. It symbolizes our confidence and respect to artist`s creative researches, our respect to professionalism. Bulart sign used the Glagolitic symbol of the Creator, which is a triangle with a circle on the top. The sing is composed into a square and symbolizes also the unity (triangle), harmony (circles) and stability (square); short-of matter and the strength and eternity of the spirit. The silver insignia is transitional. The winner of the previous year will give the award to the new winner and next year he has a duty to forward it to the next winner. The award is an act of empathy and it has an intangible character because it is primarily a spiritual and emotional act of recognition.
Bulart gallery is a contemporary art gallery based in Varna, Bulgaria since 1996. It presents local and international artists, who working focused into the field of urban culture, collective memory, question of identity, mass media manipulation, globalization,frames of communications, new aesthetic forms and social behavior. Bulart gallery has a program “Youth art” and it searches new art trends in young generation. Bulart gallery has taken participation in international art projects, festivals and fairs in Bulgaria, Italy, Lithiania, Hungary, Turkey and Belgium .In collaboration with Raya Georgieva foundation Bulart gallery established the annual grant for debut exhibition for young artists under 35. Bulart gallery is the editor of Art News Bulletin / since 2000/ and it is based co-partner of “contempo”- contemporary art festival for young artists held in Varna since 2009. Bulart gallery works with collaboration with public culture institutions, art schools and culture societies- local and in abroad and it is in network with VisualContainer /Italy/, Berlinerpool /Germany/;Varna Free University /Bulgaria/, Sea Blue Association/Bulgaria/, Raya Georgieva Foundation /Bulgaria/, ArtIn Vision /Bulgaria/, Stalker design studio /Bulgaria/ etc.
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